Tuesday 22 April 2008

haven't managed to find her yet but it,s a feeling of lightness, rejuvenation, the elixer of youth. how it happens i don,t know, its maybe just me i don,t know that either.
Ive been ill a long time and when i feel it its like i've been healed completely in an instant.

also, i,m here in my kitchen, i dont see anyone so it proves that this goes on without any human contact at all.
ive noticed too when i read anyones words i know how they are feeling, tired, happy, sad,
all of it. more or less where they are, what they are doing.

see colors too the other day it was green over the keyoard, today its deep purple.. not the rock group.. i dont like heavy metal, well maybe 1 or 2.. the exception.
this has all come about from being isolated and having to use other senses.
lack of sight.
maybe ive taken too much notice and still do, either way its here.
maybe when i,m out in the world it,ll diminish. i don,t know about that either.

i do know that i,m different to anyone else i,ve come across,
but its no good saying you are some thing if you are,nt, cos eventually people see through you best tell the truth from the start, then they can,t come back and say well you never said..
i made friends with a girl down our street and right from the start i told all my little idiosyncrasy's so she had the choice to say early on wether to carry on or not, saves time falling out over differences later, thats how lifes been for me.

reminded me i bought wishbone ash think it could have been close to the edge, no it wasnt that ,havent a clue, only bought it cos i liked blowing free.. dont know where i got close to the edge from its not even on it,
when i was packed off to hull i took it with me and left it on the bus with a good few other things too.
in the days when you never got "nowt" back. that and a million brollies.

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