Tuesday, 22 April 2008

sitting in quiet thinking about distance and absent healing.
when i first wrote to the healer betty shine in jan 1999 (sadly passed on now) that was the moment i got into all the mind energy stuff, positive thought, meditation ect.
i found recently it,s the kind of thing that can revitilise not only the mind the spirit but also the body. with powerful immediate effects.

anyone ever having felt the benefit of it would know how much better you feel in that single moment and how it can be used to enhance life.
but this energy has to come from some where then go back out too like a boomerang.
its a 2 way or even multiple thing i.m not sure on that score yet,
but i do know that if one of the links is broken for any reason, be it health, sadness, any negative thought pattern it stops,
so no benefit is gained anymore.

with practice or even no effort, just loving thought, it increases,
i was told this by a psychic healer who set up her own healing centre up in the dales.
i dont know wether she,s still there so i,m off to check her out..
i,m frozen. jacket on collar up.

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