Friday, 11 April 2008

turned in early healing still going on. strong.. all night all day really.
went on an angel site yesterday. its wondrous the things that can happen to you just outta the blue.. i,m still unsure about it, which is the wrong thing to say cos nobody believed in tinker bell ... she died..

its getting the head around the concept that these things happen,
some ones ill and some how they recieve something..from some one some where..
was gonna say in the post but thats frivolous and just popped into my head.
its through the ether.. unversal life force.. energy. that can be harnessed for all kinds of purpose and im living testament.

so I'm receiving some thing from some where....why ? how? don't know..
unless its coming from me..i don't think so. it just happens unconsciously.. the most beautiful thing ever..
i can,t speak of it that's the sad thing...thats how it should be..

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