Friday 9 May 2008

got to put the blog into some kind of order over the weekend.. its not how i wanted it to be was always just meant to be a journal of renewal then for whatever reason realised i could have psychic abilities.... some people do..

actually woke sad after dreaming of a story from long long ago it would have to be the 14th century......i came across it on wikipedia..ages ago.. about a sorcerer and a little apprentice....

I blogged it back then as i just have an interest in anything to do with magic and mystical stuff as i think theres much more to it than meets the eye..

but this story unfolded into how magic and stuff can end up causing distress to the un-initiated but never the less innocent, guilty of exuberance maybe..
......a youngster with a good heart, nothing but good intentions just trying to help the sorcerer basically..
it,s took some saying .. thought at the time such a sad i can just not say it again..these psychic things are best left..... things like this affect me..

i pick up on a lot more than i let on.. try counting to one hundred..all the usual..
but psychic vibes also come to you from some where else.. so you can only block out for a certain length of time....

i suppose some people after a while would treat good stuff as an everyday happening.... like something that drops onto your mat in the mail.. yet if theyd realise.. its anything but..

i,m not ashamed to admit to maybe being psychic....we were all born with the ability.. some have just never tried to use the powers we have..

anyway.. i eventually just got up and went out.....

i,ll off upstairs now for a while then just get back up again and try to carry on recovering my health..
birds whistling..

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