Wednesday 14 May 2008

when i think what i was doing this time last year and whole daily routine has changed.. it had to ... i,ve been in trouble for being plugged in too much not paying attention to what was being said to me.. causing too much disharmony.....
when i was in bed well it was ok now i,m up and anyway everythings changed.. nothing stays the same.

my mam always says she hates change but sometimes given a little leeway change can bring about a much better perspective and outlook..
im deaf in one ear too so when they speak to me i have to ask them to repeat ..they sigh....especially my son... wether its his low tone i don't know but he may as well be talking a foreign i just keep quiet ..

there is no pleasure in speaking to anyone when partially deaf.. im too nervous in case i miss something then can,t answer.. or give the wrong answer..
or look silly..its pride.. vanity all of those things...

my gran travelled to sunderland hospital regularly but of course technology has advanced since then..her hearing aid would whistle it drove me bonkers it must have been much worse for her...

it seems i don,t pay much attention and put up with it...until i either have water in my ears or have cold like now..
we really don,t know how ill we feel until we start to feel better..or have never felt really ill...

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